Where to buy eva foam | Evacolors

Benefits of having a laboratory for Crosslink Foam development

Written by Evacolors | Aug 8, 2023 6:03:53 PM

For any manufacturer of Crosslink foam, having its own laboratory entails several advantages. The ability to develop custom formulations, as we do at Evacolors to meet our customers' specific hardness and density requirements, is just one of the benefits.

Applying different additives and controlling the temperatures and pressures during the manufacturing process allows us to monitor the product's characteristics and quality because understanding the formulas helps us create the material with the exact combination of compounds.


What key advantages does working in the laboratory offer?

The main advantages of having an on-site laboratory are:

  • Physical and chemical evaluation of raw materials helps us ensure the quality of the final product.
  • Generation of quality certificates for the finished product, ensuring that our product meets the highest industry standards in terms of quality and technical specifications, thus providing each customer with an ideal material.
  • Development of new formulas based on customer needs, conducting all necessary tests to achieve the desired performance.
  • Analysis of customer samples to recommend the product that best suits their needs.


What tests are carried out in the laboratory?

The main tests include evaluations of:

  • Thickness.
  • Hardness.
  • Density.
  • Tensile strength.
  • Elongation.
  • Tear resistance.
  • Shrinkage.
  • Compression set.


All our tests are conducted following standardized methods, whether international or industry-specific. Working with our own laboratory allows us to maintain rigorous control over the quality of the product we offer, ensuring its usefulness.

At Evacolors, we have over 20 years of work as Crosslink foam manufacturers. We can support you in supplying the material you need for your operations, according to your industry. Contact us.